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发布时间:2024-12-21 01:18:01
本文摘要:A documentary has exposed how restaurants rank customers according to looks - and place the people they deem to be pleasing to the eye at the front while hiding the less attractive ones at the back.一部纪录片表明,餐厅不会对顾客的外表展开排序,把外表养眼的人决定在靠前的座位,而把相貌平平的决定在靠后的座位。

A documentary has exposed how restaurants rank customers according to looks - and place the people they deem to be pleasing to the eye at the front while hiding the less attractive ones at the back.一部纪录片表明,餐厅不会对顾客的外表展开排序,把外表养眼的人决定在靠前的座位,而把相貌平平的决定在靠后的座位。Channel 4s new four-part series, Tricks of the Restaurant Trade, sent models into three top London restaurants where they were given golden tables - prominent seats near the front.英国第4频道的四集纪录片《餐厅的计谋》派遣一些模特儿回到三家坐落于伦敦的顶级餐厅。

他们都被决定到了靠前又醒目的“尊享位”。But those considered to be less attractive were relegated to the areas near the kitchen or toilets - or were even simply told there were no tables available.而相貌不起眼的人则被决定到靠厨房和厕所的座位,或者必要被告诉没座位。The show is presented by Simon Rimmer, Kate Quilton and actor Adam Pearson, who suffers from neurofibromatosis, which has left his face covered in dozens of non-cancerous tumours.这档节目由西蒙里默、凯特丠尔顿和演员亚当皮尔逊主持人。

皮尔逊患上多发性神经纤维瘤,这造成他的脸部长有许多良性肿瘤。During the experiment Mr Pearson hired the models and sent them into the restaurants shortly before he and a friend also attempted to get a table.在测试中,皮尔逊请求了一些模特儿到目标餐厅用餐,随后自己也和朋友到这些餐厅去找座位。In all three cases the women were given seats in prime locations while the men were either hidden away or refused tables.在测试的三家餐厅中,女性都被决定坐下了最佳方位上,而男性则被决定到不起眼的方位,或是必要被拒绝接受给座位。Mr Pearson said: Its disappointing. The next time you get sat at the back of the restaurant, now you know why.皮尔逊说道:“结果让人木栅得慌。

下次你再行被决定到餐厅靠后的座位,你就告诉为什么了。”Two restaurateurs interviewed for the show admitted such discrimination is common practice.节目还专访了两位餐馆老板,两人均否认这种歧视性作法在业内很少见。

TV chef Simon Rimmer, who owns Greens in Manchester and Earle in Cheshire, said: Every restaurant has a golden table where they sit the best looking customers.电视名厨西蒙里默在曼彻斯特和柴郡进了两家分别取名为“绿色”和“厄尔”的餐厅。他说道:“每家餐厅都有一张尊享位,留下那些最养眼的顾客。”A restaurants clientèle give off a certain message about the place.“一家餐厅的顾客不会表达出有特定的信息。

Good looking customers attract more people and make you more cash so you sit them where they can be seen.“长得漂亮的顾客可以更有更好的人,让你赚到到更加多的钱,所以你把他们决定到醒目的方位上。”Neil Gill, who owns Londons Season Kitchen, told The Sun: Everybody likes to associate themselves with cool people and good looking people.尼尔吉尔是伦敦“四季厨房”的老板。他告诉他《太阳报》:“大家都讨厌和外形时髦、赏心悦目的人待在一起。

You want to feel like you are eating in a restaurant where there are other cool people.“你想这种感觉:好像你于是以和其他一些时髦的人一起在餐厅睡觉。”Tricks of the Restaurant Trade, which airs on Channel 4 at 8pm on Tuesday, aims to find out how customers can ensure they get the best quality food and reveals some of the techniques that restaurants regularly use.《餐厅的计谋》于是以于每周二晚8点在第4频道播映。这部纪录片致力于找寻让顾客可以辨别食物质量的方法,并揭发了一些餐厅常用的伎俩。



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